Information on the activity
Dates to come
Through the works of four Canadian composers from different generations, this program weaves a link between the past and a future either dreamed or fantasized. In Music for a thousand autumns, Alexina Louie evokes her own background, inspired by art melodies from the classic Chinese repertoire. The piece is also written as a call to Claude Vivier, who had just passed away when she began working on it.
Denys Bouliane composes what could be considered music created today by "Anticostiens", imaginary people resulting from an interbreeding of XVIth century Europeans and Americans, while incorporating certain musical principles from native musicians.
Joseph Glaser brings back a concept of the late Middle Ages theorizing that the state is a single body consisting of a multitude of bodies (The body politic) and applying it to a music ensemble playing here and now ! Nicole Lizée presents one of her latest creations incorporating images and sounds of 90s video games, a technology perceived as very advanced, even futuristic at the time but nevertheless overtaken some twenty years later...