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Celebrate the centenary of Janette Bertrand

March 20th, 2025
March 21st, 2025
read time
2 minutes

The centenary of Janette Bertrand is an opportunity to celebrate the legacy of this iconic figure who has profoundly marked the history of Quebec. Through her fight for women's rights and her social commitment, Janette has paved the way for many societal transformations. This centenary is an opportunity to revisit her exceptional journey, to reflect on her impact on our society and to highlight the importance of her contributions, which continue to inspire and guide current and future generations in the quest for lasting equality and justice. In the Quartier des Spectacles, several events revisit her legacy and her impact on Quebec society.

Not to be missed
Video projection: tribute to Janette Bertrand

Designed by Martin Bundock and directed by Léa Clermont-Dion, the video projection will illuminate the façade of the Pavillon Président-Kennedy, UQAM, from March 22 to April 20, 2025, and, on March 25, 2025 only, the façade of the Edifice WILDER - Espace Danse. This visual installation celebrates the legacy of Janette Bertrand with both sobriety and brilliance. Video segments, combining moving portraits and striking quotes, will highlight her powerful words and profound impact on Quebec society.

Le siècle de Janette

At Place des Arts from March 26 to May 18, 2025, a documentary video installation, conceived by Martin Bundock and directed by Léa Clermont-Dion, retraces a century of transformations that have shaped Quebec. Through her eyes and in her own words, Janette shares what she has witnessed, experienced and influenced, offering an intimate perspective on the major upheavals in our society. 

Pourquoi a-t-on encore besoin d’une Janette ?

On March 27, 2025, at the Salon Urbain in Place des Arts, Rose-Aimée Automne T. Morin will moderate a discussion to celebrate Janette Bertrand's accomplishments with Rebecca Déraspe, international author, Vanessa Destiné, a columnist for various Quebec media outlets, Francis Dupuis-Déri, researcher and professor of political science at UQAM, and Isabelle Picard ethnologist, author and columnist, specialist in First Nations.


With this new creation, produced by the Compagnie Duceppe and presented from April 9 to May 17, 2025, that celebrates Janette Bertrand, Rébecca Déraspe imagines a lively conversation between the grande dame, played by Guylaine Tremblay, and several generations of characters. They carry us through the years, evoking milestones in Janette's life, which revolutionized women's lives and woke up all of Québec.

Culturally vibrant
