The Esplanade Tranquille skating rink now opens at 4 pm.


This section is dedicated to Partnership members, artists, festival and event organizers, cultural workers and partners. This is the place to find all the resources you need to bring your projects to fruition and enrich your collaborations with the Quartier des Spectacles Partnership.

Place des Festivals, Festival M.A.D., 2022

Discover the latest news from the Partnership, access calls for projects, learn how to set up an event in the Quartier, or check out the profiles of the many players who bring our vibrant artistic community to life. 


Partnership news 

Discover the latest projects, inspiring collaborations and news that are transforming the Quartier des Spectacles. 

Hold an event 

Want to organize an event or festival in the heart of Montreal? Explore the possibilities of using the Quartier’s public spaces as a venue.

HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER of the Partnership?

Join a vibrant community and contribute to the cultural, urban, social and economic development of the Quartier des Spectacles. 

Calls for proposals 

Do you have an idea that will get the Quartier buzzing? Respond to our calls for proposals or submit an unsolicited project today. 

Actors in the cultural industry 

Discover the places, organizations and people who, throughout the year, help to bring this essential crossroads of creation and dissemination to life. 


Consult the communication toolkit to learn about the visibility we can offer you. 


Subscribe to the Partnership News

Subscribe to our newsletter to receive Partnership News in your inbox (Only in French).

Saint-Denis Street, Quartier Latin, 2023

Culturally vibrant
