Théatre Du Nouveau Monde

Saint urbain

Sainte-catherine o.

Performance halls

84 Rue Sainte-Catherine, Montréal

The Théâtre du Nouveau Monde, home to all the classics of yesterday and tomorrow, produces and presents major works from the international and national repertoires, with a special focus on new works.

The TNM, located in the heart of the Quartier des spectacles, produces and presents major works from the international and national repertoires, while giving pride of place to creation. This role, to which it has remained faithful since its foundation in 1951, has taken on a new dimension in recent years, under the dynamic and visionary direction of Lorraine Pintal, who took office in the autumn of 1992. Here, audiences can enjoy the work of some of the world's greatest creators - directors, designers and performers - who bring their contemporary vision to bear on a wide variety of dramatic worlds. From Molière to Koltès, Shakespeare to Michel Tremblay, Euripides, Racine, Goldoni, Pirandello, Claudel, Chekhov, Kafka, Brecht, Beckett, Botho Strauss, the classics - from Antiquity to the 21st century - and the great works of Quebec are the subject of inspired rereadings rooted in today's reality. The TNM's recent evolution has been marked by the return of a certain theatrical modernity and a sense of celebration and eventfulness that have enabled it to reach a very wide audience.

Culturally vibrant
