The Esplanade Tranquille skating rink now opens at 4 pm.

The rooftop market garden of the Esplanade Tranquille

Did you know that 7,000 sq. ft. of cultivable soil can be found right in the heart of downtown Montreal? It’s the rooftop market garden of the Esplanade Tranquille Pavilion! Not accessible to the public, it’s nonetheless bursting with life!

Rooftop market garden of the Esplanade Tranquille 2023

The teams of five start-up companies supervised by the Urban Agriculture Laboratory (AU/LAB) are busy at work here every day: Fleurs en Ville, Super Boat People, Nana Cultive, À fleur de cœur, and Jardins Kumi Gardens. Both an agricultural experiment and a circular economy initiative in the Quartier, the rooftop market garden is also being built in partnership with the City of Montreal.

What's growing in the rooftop market garden?

The first section of the roof is dedicated to growing different varieties of flowers, most of them from specialty tulip bulbs. Further down, it’s populated by kale, basil, oregano, thyme, lemongrass, lavender, chamomile, lettuces, peppers and radishes. Another part of the large food garden is devoted to saffron, and a final section to Southeast Asian vegetables and herbs.

And for whom are these crops intended?

The rooftop market garden—the ultimate circular-economy project—sells most of its harvests directly to individuals in the Quartier and to local restaurant owners. These include Galaxie Brasserie on the first floor and Café Tranquille upstairs. 

Products of Récoltes de ville

Récoltes de ville is an AU/LAB initiative that showcases the products of urban agriculture. Grown locally and processed by passionate producers, these products reflect the taste and innovation of our city. Keep an eye out: if you see the Récoltes de ville sticker, it means that 80% or more of the produce comes from Montreal.

Some products come directly from the rooftop market garden of the Esplanade Tranquille. These unique creations are a true testament to the potential of urban agriculture. Come and discover these products on sale at the Café Tranquille counter, and consult our catalog to find out more.

Tomatoes for the rooftop market garden of the Esplanade Tranquille, 2023
Rooftop market garden of the Esplanade Tranquille 2023
Visit of the rooftop market garden of the Esplanade Tranquille, 2022
Tung choy (native to the Far East) from the rooftop market garden of the Esplanade Tranquille, 2024

Meet the rooftop market garden farmers

Five start-up companies selected as part of the MontréalCulteurs program cultivate the soil of the rooftop garden, each pursuing a mission of circular economy and sustainable development. 

Fleurs en Ville

This company, founded by Paola Saavedra in 2019, grows some 50 varieties of ornamental flowers ecologically and in sync with nature’s cycles, both on the roof of the Esplanade Tranquille and on a huge field on Île-Bizard. 

Paola Saavedra, Fleurs en Ville

Super Boat People 

This collective of second-generation Montrealers from Cambodian, Laotian and Vietnamese immigrant families is as active in urban agriculture as it is in organizing socio-cultural activities and culinary workshops. Their mission: to promote the cultures of Southeast Asia and reconnect with their roots.

Super Boat People

Jardins Kumi Gardens

By starting jardins KUMI gardens, a project of Ecogardens by Kiki, your urban gardener Kristen aims to bring fresh, hyper-local produce to your your plates. Drawing on her 15 years of gardening experience and her training in agronomy, she uses agroecological and biointensive practices and offers consultations and workshops too. Kristen is delighted to grow and share the Japanese and Asian vegetables inspired by her grandmother Kumi with you!

À Fleur de Cœur

My little Floral Farm was born in the spring of 2024.
Having worked in the world of costume for stage, film and TV for many years
years; I had to take a long break to recover from burnout.
I decided to dive wholeheartedly into the beautiful and wonderful, to share it with others and bring color and happiness to people's lives.

À fleur de cœur!

Nana Cultive

Nana Cultive's mission is to offer Quebecers fresh African leafy vegetables year-round, promoting sustainable urban agriculture and enriching local culinary diversity. Through innovative and responsible production we connect consumers, restaurateurs and grocery stores to authentic exotic flavors. 

Vyna Mackay Chao, Paola Saavedra Belmar, Kristen Perry, Carole Castonguay, Laurence Lafleur, Marianne Lafleur et (Vanessa) Nkwinkwa Nana Epse Tayo (Nana Culture)

Culturally vibrant
